艾蜜莉不會操控馬車,無法讓馬車完全停止,一位男士幫助她,之後兩人開始一段美好難忘的馬車之旅。這是一首浪漫情詩,但多數的解讀將這首詩視為她死亡傾向的代表作,兩者的差別在第一句,一般譯為「因為我無法等待死神」,但也可譯為「因為我無法完全停住馬車」,完全停住(for death)的受詞馬車在第三行出現。
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華盛頓紀念碑的原設計圖 The Original Design of Washington Monument (Because I could not stop for death, Emily Dickinson) |
1 | |
Because I could not stop for Death- | 因為我無法完全停止馬車 |
He kindly stopped for me- | 他親切幫我停下 |
The Carriage held but just Ourselves- | 馬車上只載了我們 |
And Immortality. | 與永恆時光 |
2 | |
We slowly drove-He knew no haste | 我們緩慢前行,他不慌忙 |
And I had put away | 我拋開 |
My labor and my leisure too, | 我的勞力與我的悠閒 |
For His Civility- | 因為他的禮貌 |
3 | |
We passed the School, where Children strove | 我們經過學校,用功孩子們 |
At Recess-in the Ring- | 在操場休息 |
We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain- | 我們經過壯觀麥田 |
We passed the Setting Sun- | 我們經過落日 |
4 | |
Or rather-He passed Us- | 或者說,他經過我們 |
The Dews drew quivering and Chill- | 露水引人寒顫 |
For only Gossamer, my Gown- | 因為我長袍只是細絹 |
My Tippet-only Tulle- | 披肩只有薄紗 |
5 | |
We paused before a House that seemed | 我們在屋前暫停,那看來像 |
A Swelling of the Ground- | 隆起的土地 |
The Roof was scarcely visible- | 幾乎看不見屋頂 |
The Cornice-in the Ground- | 飛簷就在地面 |
6 | |
Since then-'tis Centuries-and yet | 那之後過了數世紀,依然 |
Feels shorter than the Day | 感覺比這一天還短 |
I first surmised the Horses' Heads | 我起先以為馬兒方向 |
Were toward Eternity- | 是朝向永恆 |
1862, F.0479, J.0712