
艾蜜莉.狄金森(Emily Dickinson, 1830-86)的一千七百多首詩全都是謎語。破解謎語後,詩中的每個字都可合理解讀。


.Riddles of Emily Dickinson 《艾蜜莉的謎語》
.English Site (around 1150 riddles)


.My Life had stood a Loaded Gun 槍獵犬(Gun-dog)
.As if I asked a common alms 摩西
.Ample make this Bed 花床
.Safe in their Alabaster chambers 龐貝古城
.I like to see it lap the Miles 唐吉軻德的羅西南特(Rocinante)
.Mine by the Right of the White Election 解放奴隸宣言
.Perception of an Object costs 認知一物的代價
.I tie my Hat, I crease my Shawl 機械人偶鐘樓
.Many a phrase has the English language 情話
.I would not paint a picture 聲波記錄儀
.I would not paint a picture 我不願畫一張圖像
.If your Nerve deny you 牙醫麻醉


.Success is counted sweetest 選舉
.If those I loved were lost 瘋女胡安娜
.Wild nights, wild nights 狂野交響夜
.I took my power in my hand 歌利亞甲蟲
.Tell all the truth but tell it slant 巡迴布道者
.We never know how high we are 大衛王
.I stepped from plank to plank 人壽保險
.I felt a cleaving in my mind 拼圖遊戲
.There's a certain slant of light 海豹
.The largest fire ever known 焚燒垃圾
.Mine enemy is growing old 牙疼
.This is my letter to the world 退稿
.A poor torn heart, a tattered heart 賣火柴的小女孩
.Hope is the thing with feathers 狹口谷地
.Because I could not stop for death 華盛頓紀念碑
.How Happy is the Little Stone 行星
.Further in Summer than the Birds 周期蟬
.My life closed twice before its close 三審
.Pain has an element of blank 經痛
.Publication is the Auction 贖罪券
.I dwell in Possibility 引座員
.If I can stop one Heart from breaking 仲夏夜之夢
.After great pain, a formal feeling comes 芭蕾舞者
.I like a look of agony 尋人欄
.The soul selects her own society 聖母馬利亞
.My wars are laid away in books 牧人競技


.Let my first knowing be of thee 晨報
.Not knowing when the dawn will come 啟示
.Purple is fashionable twice 紫閃蛺蝶
.How still the bells in steeples stand 鈴鳥
.Whose pink career may have a close 幼鮭
.With thee in the desert 木豹蛾
.A sepal petal and a thorn 玫瑰切葉蜂
.Had we known the ton she bore 時尚恐怖
.Betrothed to righteousness might be 鮭魚
.Their dappled importunity 蛇
.Lad of Athens, faithful be 泰門的祕密
.To make a prairie 草原熱
.Had I not seen the sun 日心說
.Spurn the temerity 不吉利的十三