艾蜜莉.狄金森(Emily Dickinson, 1830-86)描述的是看牙醫的過程,懦夫(poltroon)需要笑氣麻醉,一種接近進入墳墓(grave)的感覺。
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 | If your Nerve, deny you- Go above your Nerve- He can lean against the Grave, If he fear to swerve- That's a steady posture- Never any bend Held of those Brass arms- Best Giant made- If your Soul seesaw- Lift the Flesh door- The Poltroon wants Oxygen- Nothing more- | 如果你的神經拒斥你 超越你的神經 他可以依賴死亡的感覺 如果他害怕偏離 那得穩定姿勢 沒有任何扭動 握住這些黃銅臂 成為最厲害的巨人 若你的精神晃動搖擺 打開肉體的門 懦夫需要氧氣 不再有任何感覺 |
1861, F.0329, J.0292
[1] 神經(nerve)在這裡指牙神經。
[2] 「超越你的神經」為麻醉的另類說法,提示於第11行的氧氣。
[3] 「他」是位牙醫。「死亡的感覺」指麻醉的感覺如同死亡。
[4] 「他害怕偏離」指牙醫害怕病人在治療時移動位置。
[5, 6] 牙醫在治療期間要求病人穩定姿勢,不得扭動。
[7] 「黃銅臂」指牙醫使用的工具。
[8] 對無法移動的牙科病人來說,牙醫是位巨人或卓越的人物(giant)。
[9] 精神或靈魂(soul)在這裡指有意識的行為,治療牙齒時企圖偏離為人的本性。
[10] 肉體的門(flesh door)是嘴的間代說法,目的為創造深層的雙關解讀。「間代」不以主體之名,以長串間接描述來替代主體。
[11] 笑氣或氧化亞氮(nitrous oxide)於1772年第一次合成,十九世紀中開始用於牙科麻醉,醫師在使用時會與相當比例的氧氣混合,這裡的氧氣為借代的說法。 「借代」不以主體之名,以其相關事物的名稱來替代主體。
[12] Nothing more 意為「不再有其他」或「不需要其他任何東西」,麻醉後不再有其他感覺。
But our learned champion for laughing gas〔笑氣〕 gives us to understand that the more oxygen〔氧氣〕 we combine with nitrogen, the more exhilarating and healthful it is. ― New York Dental Journal (1862)
The dentist remarked, "that he believed that a man might be made so drunk by this gas, or some similar agent, that dental or other operations might be performed upon him without any sensation of pain on the part of the patient." This conversation occurred in August, 1840, and the man who uttered the startling and entirely novel proposition was Horace Wells. Four years passed by, and in the same city a traveling lecturer (Colton by name) administered to several persons the "laughing gas," amongst others, to a certain dentist. ― American Medical Gazette and Journal of Health (1858)艾蜜莉另一首詩〈牙疼的貓〉(When Etna basks and purrs)有類似的敘述,參考《艾蜜莉的謎語》第173頁。

Go above your Nerve-
He can lean against the Grave,
If he fear to swerve-
That's a steady posture-
Never *any bend [*one-]
Held of those Brass arms-
Best Giant made-
If your Soul *seesaw- [*stagger]
Lift the Flesh door-
The Poltroon wants Oxygen-
Nothing more-
關於牙疼: Mine Enemy is growing old
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 | Mine Enemy is growing old- I have at last revenge- The Palate of the Hate departs- If any would avenge Let him be quick- The Viand flits- It is a faded Meat- Anger as soon as fed-is dead- 'Tis starving makes it fat- | 我的敵人漸漸成熟 我終於可以復仇 分離顎上這可惡東西 如果有任何報復 讓它成為新肉 美味趕快移走 這是虛弱的肉 吃飽就發炎變壞 挨餓讓它受益 |
我(I)擁有(have)最終的(at last)復仇(revenge)
憤怒(anger)立即(as soon as)滿足(feed)是枯萎(dead)